
Parents don’t always realize that their teen is suicidal

photo of a troubled teen looking out a window

Parents like to think that they know what is going on with their children — and that they would know if their teen was suicidal. However, research shows that this is not always the case.

Teens may consider suicide more often than parents realize

In a study published a few years ago in the journal Pediatrics, researchers interviewed more than 5,000 adolescents ages 11 to 17. In those interviews, they asked them if they had ever thought about killing themselves — or if they had ever thought a lot about death or dying. The teens' parents were asked if they believed that their teens had ever thought about killing themselves, or had thought a lot about death or dying.

There wasn’t a whole lot of match-up. Half of the parents of the adolescents who thought of killing themselves were unaware — as were three-quarters of the parents of adolescents who thought often about death.

This disconnect looms larger as research shows mental health problems are on the rise in youth. According to the 2021 Youth Risk Behavioral Survey, 42% of high school students reported persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness; 22% seriously considered suicide, and 10% attempted it.

The numbers were higher for girls and youth who identify as LGBTQ+:

  • Almost 60% of girls experienced persistent sadness and hopelessness; 30% seriously considered attempting suicide, and 13% attempted it.
  • Among LGBTQ+ youth, 70% experienced persistent sadness and hopelessness; 45% seriously considered attempting suicide, and 22% attempted it.

Many factors contribute to this. Stress and isolation caused by the pandemic clearly played a role. While teens are back in school, re-entry has been difficult for many. Social media clearly plays a role, inviting unrealistic comparisons, reinforcing negative thoughts and ideas, and encouraging doomscrolling. It is also a source of bullying: in the report, 16% of high school students reported being bullied electronically, including 20% of girls and 27% of those who identify as LGBTQ+.

Why the disconnect between teens and parents?

It’s not that surprising that parents don’t always know that their teens are considering suicide. Teens may not always realize how bad they are feeling, and may not want to tell their parents when they do — both for fear of worrying them, and also because of uncertainty about how their parents might react.

Parents may miss signs of depression in their teens, or quite genuinely misinterpret them or attribute them to something innocent; after all, it’s natural to want to believe that your child is fine, rather than thinking that they might be suicidal. And given how much drama can be intrinsic to the life of a teen, it’s understandable that parents could misinterpret statements about death or dying as, well, just teen drama.

What can parents do?

  • Be aware of signs of depression in teens, and never ignore them. Acting sad is one of them, but there are many others:
    • dropping grades
    • being irritable or angry often
    • acting bored all the time, and/or dropping out of activities
    • difficulty with relationships, including changing peer groups or becoming more isolated
    • dangerous or risky behavior
    • persistent physical complaints such as headaches or stomachaches
    • fatigue.
  • Listen to your teen, and never assume that statements like “nobody cares if I live or die” are just drama. Instead of saying, “You don’t mean that,” ask them if they do mean it. Often parents worry that asking about suicide might “give them ideas,” but asking may be the only way to know — and the best way to show your teen that you are taking them seriously.
  • Learn how to have tough conversations about mental health and suicide. The American Academy of Pediatrics has many tips and resources for parents.
  • Get help. Call your doctor, call a mental health professional, call the new nationwide number 988 that can link you to local help like a suicide hotline, or take your child to a local emergency room. This is crucial. If counseling is recommended, do your best to schedule it, letting your doctor know if you are having trouble finding a provider. Make sure your teen sticks with it.
  • If you suspect your teen may be depressed or suicidal, take precautions. If you have a gun in your house, make sure it is locked up with the ammunition locked separately. Take stock of prescription medications and alcohol in your house that could be used for self-harm, and either get rid of them or be sure they are stored safely.

Sometimes it is just drama — or short-term blues after a breakup or another one of life’s inevitable disappointments. And in the study, half of the teens whose parents thought they were suicidal, and two-thirds of those whose parents believed their teens thought about death, said they were fine. But when it comes to suicide, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. So ask the questions — and ask for help.

About the Author

photo of Claire McCarthy, MD

Claire McCarthy, MD, Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing

Claire McCarthy, MD, is a primary care pediatrician at Boston Children’s Hospital, and an assistant professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. In addition to being a senior faculty editor for Harvard Health Publishing, Dr. McCarthy … See Full Bio View all posts by Claire McCarthy, MD


What is frontotemporal dementia?

Concept of confusion, yellow cutout of head with scribbles and question marks in brain and top of head opening; turquoise blue background

Many people know the form of dementia called Alzheimer’s disease. But what is frontotemporal dementia (FTD)? Damage to nerves in certain parts of the brain causes a group of frontotemporal disorders, affecting behavior and language as I’ll describe below.

Early signs of frontotemporal dementia

Have you noticed someone behaving differently? Is your coworker doing odd things, such as slapping each door as they walk down the hall? Or has your previously kind and caring spouse lost their capacity for empathy, such that when you told them about your cancer diagnosis, they complained that your treatment schedule would interfere with their golf game? If so, they might be showing early signs of the behavioral variant of FTD.

Maybe there’s a problem with language, rather than behavior. Perhaps it started with difficulty finding words (like any older adult), but is your sibling now having trouble with grammar and getting out an intelligible sentence? Or does your friend not know the meaning of some ordinary words, like pizza, lemonade, wood, or metal? If so, they might be showing signs of primary progressive aphasia, which may also be due to FTD.

A common pathology inside the brain

What’s the connection between these behavior and language problems? Why are they both part of FTD?

Both have the same underlying causes: a family of abnormal proteins that can be seen under the microscope. In fact, more than a dozen different pathologies can cause FTD. Each of them can lead to either behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia or the language difficulties of primary progressive aphasia.

Location, location, location

How can the same pathology — the same abnormal protein — lead to either behavior problems or language problems, or sometimes both? The answer is, it depends on where the pathology is.

The frontal lobes of your brain, behind your forehead, regulate and guide your personality, judgement, and behavior. So, if the frontotemporal pathology is in this region, it will cause changes in personality, judgement, and behavior.

The left temporal lobe (near your left ear and temple) and a part of the left frontal lobe just above it are the critical brain regions for language. When these areas are affected by frontotemporal pathology, language problems develop.

How does frontotemporal dementia compare with Alzheimer’s disease?

Frontotemporal dementia affects people in middle age, usually between ages 45 and 65, although one-quarter of individuals are diagnosed after age 65. Alzheimer’s usually affects people over 65.

In terms of symptoms, people with frontotemporal dementia experience either language or behavior problems, whereas people with Alzheimer’s disease — the most common cause of dementia — usually have memory problems.

Because more than 12 different abnormal proteins can cause frontotemporal dementia, it has a very variable time course. From the time of diagnosis, people with frontotemporal dementia need nursing home–level care in two to 20 years. The typical range with Alzheimer’s disease is four to 12 years.

Who is at risk for FTD?

Up to 40% of cases of frontotemporal dementia run in families, but that means at least 60% of cases do not. Unfortunately, everyone is at risk for frontotemporal dementia as they approach middle age.

What are common signs of the behavioral variant?

There are six common signs of behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia, and most people with the disorder have at least three of them. They are:

  • loss of self-control
  • apathy or inertia (not wanting to do anything)
  • loss of sympathy or empathy
  • repetitive or compulsive, ritualistic behavior
  • uncontrolled or unusual eating
  • difficulty doing complicated tasks.

One individual I cared for with this disorder would walk up to strangers, stand closer than would be comfortable, and say loudly, “You’re handsome!” Another would eat almost anything left out in the kitchen. One woman I treated with this disorder tried to pick up men from a restaurant — while her husband was sitting at the next table. A previously kind and shy grandfather with frontotemporal dementia began to ask his daughter-in-law for sexual favors.

What are common signs of the language variants?

Two variants of primary progressive aphasia are part of the frontotemporal dementia family of diseases. Common signs are:

  • difficulty getting words and sentences out, although the meaning of words is preserved (nonfluent or agrammatic variant). People become frustrated because they know what they want to say but find it difficult or impossible to do so.
  • losing the meaning of words (semantic variant). I had one patient who did not know the meaning of the words shoe, pants, foot, knee, elbow, and many other words related to clothing and parts of the body.

Can frontotemporal dementia be treated?

Currently, there is no cure or way to slow these disorders down, so treatment is supportive. SSRI medications (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) can help with some disinhibited behaviors.

Speech therapy can be helpful, at least initially, with primary progressive aphasia, but thus far no medications are effective.

What can I do if I suspect that someone has frontotemporal dementia?

FTD is difficult to diagnose. Because it affects people in middle age, dementia is usually not suspected. Early in the disease, people are often thought to be having a midlife crisis, depression, or perhaps a drug or alcohol problem. Many marriages end prior to the diagnosis because the spouse with the disorder has grown self-absorbed and inconsiderate over several years.

If you do suspect the disorder, start by simply asking the person if there is anything that you can help with. You may find out that it is another problem entirely. But if it is becoming clear that this or another form of dementia may be involved, encourage them and their family to discuss this possibility with their doctor.

About the Author

photo of Andrew E. Budson, MD

Andrew E. Budson, MD,

Contributor; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

Dr. Andrew E. Budson is chief of cognitive & behavioral neurology at the Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System, lecturer in neurology at Harvard Medical School, and chair of the Science of Learning Innovation Group at the … See Full Bio View all posts by Andrew E. Budson, MD